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The Benefits of Yoga for Kids

Monday, April 7th, 2014

V__20E2Gymnastics, swimming, dance, martial arts, basketball, soccer… There are already many choices available to parents for physical, movement-based extracurricular classes for their children. What makes yoga different? And what are the benefits for yoga for children?

Our children live in a hurry-up world of busy parents, school pressures, incessant lessons, video games, malls, and competitive sports. We usually don’t think of these influences as stressful for our kids, but often they are. The bustling pace of our children’s lives can have a profound effect on their innate joy—and usually not for the better. By practicing yoga poses, children can learn how to exercise, develop confidence, and concentrate better. As yoga becomes more popular in schools through physical education classes and after-school programs, yoga’s rising popularity can be attributed to its basic stretching advantages and improved body awareness, with the added component of a mind-body connection. Yoga is beneficial to children in many ways. Because children encounter emotional, social, and physical challenges or conflicts, a dedicated and intentional yoga practice that includes breathing techniques, behavioral guidelines, and physical postures can be incredibly valuable for them.  Yoga is something children can practice anywhere and that the breathing, the concentration, the poses, and the way children learn to act or react to situations, will lead to constant self-discovery and inquisitiveness, yoga builds self-esteem and self-respect. A child’s yoga practice is a rare opportunity to experience play and focus without worrying about being wrong, yoga is an option for children who shy away from physical activity or group activities for fear of failure or being picked last, and it helps athletic children excel in other physical activities and sports, yoga introduces cornerstone values such as non-harming, truthfulness, moderation, cleanliness, gratitude, and self-discipline.. (more…)

22 Fire Safety Tips for Christmas

Wednesday, December 4th, 2013

Nobody wishes for a house fire for Christmas, but it is easy to let the spirit of the season distract us from fire safety practices. Now is the time to brush up on the small things that can keep our families safe during the holidays.

If you have children, or expect children to visit for the holidays, get down at toddler level and you may be surprised at the hidden hazards in your home. A little time and attention at the outset can save a world of regret later.

22 Fire Safety Tips for Christmas

Your Christmas Tree

1. If you desire a real Christmas tree, choose a fresh one and don’t let it dry out — check the water level every day.

2. Do not hang on to your tree after it becomes dry and needles begin to fall out, this is considered kindle…. (more…)

Glue Ear Can Mimic Dyslexia

Wednesday, April 10th, 2013

Glue Ear:

What is ‘glue ear’? This is a common condition in childhood. The tube can become obstructed by adenoids at the back of the nose, the air cannot enter the middle ear, and the cavity fills with fluid. The eardrum becomes dark looking. As time goes on the fluid becomes thicker until it has the consistency of thick glue. Often the only sign is deafness and children’s schooling may suffer and behavior may deteriorate.


Dyslexia is typically characterized by ‘an unusual balance of skills’. Dyslexia is a syndrome: a collection of associated characteristics that vary in degree and from person to person. These characteristics encompass not only distinctive clusters of problems but sometimes also distinctive talents. The syndrome of dyslexia is now widely recognized as being a specific learning disability of neurological origin that does not imply low intelligence or poor educational potential, and which is independent of race and social background. Dyslexia may overlap with related conditions such as dyspraxia, attention deficit disorder (with or without hyperactivity) and dysphasia. In childhood, its effects can be mis-attributed to emotional or behavioral disorder. By adulthood, many dyslexics will have developed sophisticated compensating strategies that may mask their difficulties. (more…)

How to Talk to Your Children

Wednesday, December 19th, 2012

How to Talk to Your Children:

Some Resources for Parents
•An Exchange article by Diane Levin: “When the World is a Dangerous Place —
Helping Children Deal with Violence in the News.

•Advice from the National Association of School Psychologists, “A National
Tragedy: Helping Children Cope.” (more…)

Family Traditions

Wednesday, December 5th, 2012

The importance of family traditions and how to create them.

We all recollect certain moments and times of our childhood that we will cherish forever. Almost all of these memories in one form or another were a tradition. These family traditions are sadly one of the great casualties of modern times. As families have more time constraints due to careers, become focused on team sports, are more fragmented and disengaged, there is less time and opportunity to benefit from the traditions that were formerly a natural part of family life. The present households often has a TV and/or computer in every room, so even a small custom like all sitting down to eat dinner, doing homework together or playing a favorite family game may just not happen as often as it once did. (more…)

Biting, A Normal Developmental Child Behavior

Monday, October 29th, 2012

Biting is a normal part of childhood development. Yes, it is very upsetting for adults. Yes, it can be frightening for the child who bites. Yes, it is upsetting to the child that is bitten and yes, it makes adults angry, but biting is a normal part of childhood development. (more…)

Stopping Bullying

Monday, October 22nd, 2012

In the USA ~ October 2012 marks the seventh PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Month that unites communities nationwide to raise awareness of bullying prevention. This event includes activities, education and awareness building for the entire month.

According to the National Association of School Psychologists, bullying is the most common form of violence in our society. In a 2001 national survey of students in grades 6 through 10:

  • 13% reported bullying others
  • 11% reported being a victim of bullies
  • Another 6% said that they both bullied others and were bullied themselves
  • These numbers mean that over five million children are affected by bullying

Source: Surfnetkids

Bullying is the conscious desire to hurt, exclude or put someone else down to make you feel better. Bullying can be in looks, actions or words. Bullying is not a joke. It is unacceptable. Each student has the right to feel safe, happy and wanted. (more…)

Afterschool Programs

Friday, October 19th, 2012

In communities today, 15.1 million children take care of themselves after the school day ends. Afterschool programs keep children safe, help working families and inspire learning. This is why we, at LifeSpan, spent October 18th celebrating our afterschool programs by participating in the 13th annual Lights On Afterschool Challenge inviting our families and community members to join us for a fun filled afternoon of various activities, displays and healthy snacks at all 6 of our Quakertown Afterschool Program locations demonstrating how our programs and staff continue extra learning opportunities during Out of School Time (OST).

Each day in America, millions of children go home to an empty house after school. In recent years, the growth of quality, affordable afterschool programs – programs that keep children safe, inspire learning and help working families – has begun to offer parents of these children positive alternatives. Over the past 5 years, afterschool programs have played an increasingly important role in providing valuable afterschool opportunities for children and families with OST programs. (more…)