Are you looking for some fun indoor activities during the winter months?

The cold, winter months are here! This time of year is always a great time to enjoy indoor activities with your children. There are lots of fun activities to do on a cold, winter day. These activities can cover a wide variety of topics.  Arts and crafts are fun indoor projects. This includes fun activities such as painting pictures or ceramics together. Introducing an art activity such as painting may create a new hobby or interest for your child. Cooking or baking together is another great indoor activity. Making snacks and cooking together helps your child learn about the different food groups. This is a good chance to discuss the different food groups and healthy eating. Math also ties into baking and cooking. Simple math skills such as measuring, time, and counting can be incorporated as well. Cooking and baking also involve gross motor skills by mixing or pouring. Another great way to use gross motor skills is through music and movement. Some children love to have fun dancing to music or playing a game of freeze dance!  Creating a maze for younger children to crawl around is another gross motor idea during the winter months. Then, there is always fun in reading together. I always feel that you can never read too much. If your child is older, then they can have fun reading to you! Some of these activities along with others can be found at:

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